Wednesday, 13 April 2011

Waiting for Sigma Brushes!!

Hiya everyone, so as you can see by the title of this post, that i am waiting for a set of sigma brushes to arrive at my house. Sigma is apparently very good for their brushes, so i ordered a set of them. However i did not buy them, i got them for free!

Well sort of free. There is this website called Luuux. Basically luuux is a like a blog website. But when you post a blog on the website you gain luuuxs. You get 7 luuux per post but you can get more luuux by ratng, commenting etc. When you gained enough points you can spend them in their shop. They have ipads, new ipod touchs and new ipod nanos. They have a mixture of items for both women and men.

In their shop they have two sets of sigma brushes. One is called Sigma Premium Professional Kit with Brush Roll. The other one is called sigma complete kit or something like that . The premium one costs 7,440 luuuxs and the other one costs like 5,000 luuuxs. I had enough to get the premium one. I ordered it about two weeks and the first week it said that the payment was received. After a week the order status said that it was processing. Meaning that the people are looking at how i got those points, then it said completed which means that everything is fine and it is being shipped out to the UK.

It has been a week after that now, i really really want them because i have got some make-up looks i am wanting to try out but i do not want to use my old crap brushes. These looks are going to be on my youtube channel in the future. I am really impatient and want them now.
This picture is the brushes i will hopefully will be getting very soon :)

And luuux is free to sign up and i am getting the sigma brushes for free, so i do recommend anyone who wants free sigma brushes to go onto luuux. However it does take a long time to get the points up. Took me 3 months to get them points but it will be worth it.


Tuesday, 12 April 2011

Review - Lush Comforter

Ok, so a little while ago, i went into the Lush shop where i live. I looked around the shop and i saw the comforter. I have had soo many reviews about this product. I think the comforter has to be one of the most popular item in Lush.

Basically the comforter is a bubble bar. A bubble bar comes in a solid form but when you put it in your bath it turns to buubles and make a lovely scent. Apparently the comforter is the biggest bubble bar you can get in Lush at the moment. The shape of the comforter is different on where you live in the world. In the US, their bubble bars are a square shape. However the UK's bubble bars are shaped into a circle. I do not know why they do that but i dont mind either way really. Does the same thing even though they are in different shapes.

The comforter smells amazing. The scent is blackcurrents which i love. You will not stop sniffing it when you buy it, trust me :). Anyway The comforter is pink and white and has like swirls in the bar. Swirls of pink and white which makes it so cute. When you use it. Cut it up into four pieces because if you put the whole bar in, you will get tons, i mean tons and tons of bubbles. So only one quarter of it is fine. The bar is easy to cut up when you want to use it.You can get four baths out of one comforter bar. Not bad.

Ok, so to use it, all you do is crumble it under running water. It will instantly start to make bubbles. When you have crumbled all of the product, mix the water up even more by moving your hand side to side in the water. This will create even more bubbles. The water will turn a nice shade of pink which is always nice when having a bath. Also with this bar you get tons of white bubbles which is nice to relax in. The smell is amazing, nice blackcurrent smell coming off the water.

After you had the bath, it makes your skin smell like blackcurrents and make your skin so soft. I really do recommend anyone to go and try and buy this bar from Lush. This costs £3.99 for 200g. Not bad. I hope you like my long review of The comforter by Lush.

(Sub to my Youtube channel which I Laurensmart1993, I do Beauty related Videos. Please sub, need more subs because when i get to 100 subs, i will then do a giveway on my channel, so to be in with a chance of knowing when i do the giveway, sub. )


Update, Start Again, Youtube, College

Hello everyone, i know i have not blogged in a long time. Thats because i have been concentrating on my youtube channel. I started making my youtube channel i think it was either october or november last year(2010). I have put all my effort into starting that up and trying to make it a success.

My youtube channel i have been doing it a while now. I am doing alright with it. However i do wish it was a little better. I have got 83 subs and 4,102 video views which is not bad. But it is not that good. It is slowly getting better but i do enjoy doing videos and people talking to me over youtube. I hope youtube will be a success. I need more subs, so if you would like to see my channel and sub then this is the link -

On youtube i do beauty related videos. I do Hauls, Reviews, Tags, General chit chat, New upcomign products and tutorials. I have to say that my tutorials are not the best because i have sort of just started getting into make-up properly and i have not got the best brushes in the world. I am not creative but i do try to be. I am trying my best with youtube and it is sort of paying off.

Apart from youtube, i have started a lot harder course than last year. I am currently doing the BTEC National extended diploma in Business which is very hard. Sort of regret doing this course but oh well, cant give up after a hard week which was last week. I have currently got two jobs as well. So i do not have a lot of time.

But i hope to get this blog started again. Please follow me because i do not want to do a blog if people do not follow because it is a waste of time. Thanks for reading this.