Saturday, 31 July 2010

Simple Skincare Haul

This is a haul on the skincare brand called simple. I bought these the same time i bought my make-up products in my last haul. I didnt want to put it in their because i was just going to have that as a beauty products haul. I have three products i would like to show you. But first off, i have spot prone skin and i did have problems with my skin last year and i had to use the clean and clear advantage face wash, clean and clear dual action moisturiser and the clearasil skin perfecting wash. I used them for over a year and it did clear up my skin very good but the clean and clear face wash did make my skin dry, so i stopped using it for a couple of weeks to see how my skin would cope. My skin was very good and i did get a few spots but not as bad as i was, so then i wanted to try something else and went to my local boots and got three simple skincare things.

 The first one is the Kind to skin moisturising facial wash

 The next one is the Kind to skin smoothing facial scrub.

 The last one is Kind to skin Rich moisturiser.
This is what i got in my Simple skincare haul. I will do a Review on these soon. I hope these products wont break me out in spots, but will have to wait and see. Thanks for reading this post, If you have any ideas on what i can do, then please write a comment to this post. Also if you want me to try and get something and review it for you then i will. Thanks

Sunday, 18 July 2010

Going away

From the title of this post, i am going away for 11 days on holiday, so i will not be posting a lot of posts because i dont have time and i have limited internet access where i am going. I have drafted a few posts and will be putting them up over the 11 days i am gone. Then after that i will continue doing posts when i come back from holiday. Thanks

Friday, 16 July 2010

Ways to relieve stress

In everyday life, we do get stressed by things and when stressed life isnt that good and dont enjoy all the great things we do everyday.Getting stressed is easily done but getting unstressed is not. Everyone gets stressed at something and dont have time to relax and chill to relieve the stress. Stress can be caused by work, home etc. Stress can cause horrible consequences if not delt with. Also stress can cause health problems such as Headaches, high blood pressure and even strokes and heart attacks. So it is important to try and relieve that stress. I will write the ways that can relieve stress...

 1. Walk it off - Walking will relieve stress because getting exercise is good for stress and it gets you away from all the stress aka home etc. It nice to just walk somewhere and forget about all the problems and stress for only 10 minutes. It depends how long you can walk for and how much time you have.

 2. Sleep on it - Sleep will also relieve stress. Sleep is good because it recharges your batteries because stress might be caused by having a long day at the office and you tired, so sleep will help. Try to forget everything when trying to sleep because if you dont then you wont go off to sleep.

 3. Make a list - Make a list of things that need doing and tackle them one at a time, rather than doing them in one shot. This will help because you will only do one thing at a time and it will not stress you out.

 4. Meditate - A lot of people dont have time to meditate because they are too busy with their lives but meditation helps to relax and chill you out in 20 minuts or how ever you want to do it for. Find a quiet place and breath slowly and calmly and listen to the sounds outside like birds singing etc. Also concentrate on your breathing. You can do this for 20 minutes, 30 minutes, it is up to you.

 5. Have a massage - A massage is relaxing and will relieve stress. Get someone to massage you and you will feel great.

 These are some of the ways you can relieve stress from everyday life. I hope you like this post, i have got lots more to come. If you have an idea you want me to do, then just leave a comment to this or my other posts and i can see what i can do. Also follow me if you want, Thanks
 Lauren x-x

Wednesday, 14 July 2010

Haul and Review

Hiya everyone this is my first ever haul, so please be gentle :)
 I have got these products over a couple of weeks, so i didnt buy them in one big hit. All these products i bought with my own money. There are a total of 6 make-up products, so lets get started...

The first product is a bourjois products. It is a blush in 34 rose d'or. This is such a nice colour. it is a dark pink with a hint of gold it in. when you open the pot, you get a nice sweet smelling scent and it smells really nice like roses. Also with the pot, you get a little brush and i havent used it because i dont like to use the brushes that come with products. I have tried it and it gives a nice pink glow because of the gold hint in it. It is a nice colour for summer.

The second product is the Maybelline colour sensational lipstick in ambre rose( 112). This is a great lipstick. It is a nice pink colour with shimmer in it. the colour is a bit pale but it is nice and pink on the lips. The smell is not that nice and not that bad, so it is average. i could put up with it because the colour is so nice on the lips. I would buy it again.
 The next product is the Rimmel london moisture renew lipstick in soft coral(600). This comes in a purple package. It is a soft coral colour with shimmer it in. The shimmer is not much but you can see it. It is a really nice colour on the lips and it is nicer when i put clear lipgloss over it. It is a summer colour but can be worn anytime of the year. The smell is quite nice, it is not a horrible smell, it is a nice smell and can wear the lipstick on the lips.

The next product is the rimmel london lasting finish intense lipstick in pink blush(006). I couldnt find a picture, sorry. well the lipstick comes in a dark purple package. The colour is a pink colour as it says in the name. it has a bit of shimmer but not too much. It is a quite a pink colour. It is nice on the lips. The smell is really lovely and it is nice to put on the lips because of the smell.

 The next product, is the natural collection green concealer. It is green because it helps to cover red spots which does help. It is a green concealer, i know it looks horrible but it does work, i have tried it out and it was ok. I would use it again.

This is my last product. It is the Rimmel london Sexy curves mascara. So this is a mascara with a weird wand. It has curves on the wand, i think this would be hard to apply it to the lashes. I havent tried it yet but i will try it soon. I got mine in Black.

That is my First haul and review on this blog, i will have more posts to come, so please follow me.thanks

Lauren x-x

My first blog post

Hiya everyone

This is my first ever blog and i just wanted to tell you that i will be posting blogs on beauty products such as hauls, reviews etc. Also i will be posting blogs on skincare products. i will be posting randoms blogs as well such as food recipes etc.

Thanks for reading and don't forget to hit the 'become a follower' button :)

 Lauren x-x